Sunday, January 17, 2010

Does nail polish on face come off easily?

Its a very, very long story but I'm tryign to fill in a crescent moon on my forehead with a pretty blue.

Wondering if I put nail polish on my face, middle of forehead would it come off easily? Or should I go with permanent marker which I know comes off pretty easily?Does nail polish on face come off easily?
sesshoumaru cosplay?

anyway dont use permanent marker. theirs a reason its called permenant marker, it doesnt come of easy and after your done scrubbing your forehead their wiill probably be some still left over for a few days. nail polish is okay but getting it off is gonna be hard unless you use nail polish remover. but putting nail polish remover on your face isnt a good idea because

1. you might irritate your face

2. you might get that stuff in your eye

why dont you just get some plain old non-toxic paint. like from the crayola brand or something. it's like a dollar for a small bottle at walmart and they've got alot of colors.

or you can just go the safe way and buy some face paint which is made specifically so it wont irritate your face.

either way have fun :)Does nail polish on face come off easily?
For you guys who are saying permanent marker doesn't come off easily - seriously, it's soluble in just about everything EXCEPT water. I work in a laboratory and I have the worst time with labeling things in ';permanent'; marker and spilling a solvent and wiping my label off. Right off the top of my head, permanent marker comes off with ethanol, isopropanol (rubbing alcohol) with effort, acetone (nail polish remover), methanol, benzene, and chloroform. Hopefully you wouldn't have methanol, benzene, and chloroform around the house, but I bet you'd have the acetone and isopropanol.

I once used gin (~40% ethanol) to remove Sharpie from my hand. It took a moderate amount of scrubbing, but it worked.

Anyway, to answer your question - obviously it's not a great idea to put either on your face, but you seem set on it. I'd say to go with whichever one you think looks better, since you could remove either one fairly easy with acetone (nail polish remover).
Ok. Pernament marker DOES NOT come off that easily. I would go with the nail poilish, just get a strong nail polish remover.. i suggest the sally hansen extra strength or something like that. Once i spilled nail polish on my arm.. your going to have to scrub hard at it to come off.. but it is easy to come off. Takes about.. let's say 30 seconds? Lol. Happy painting ! :)
Hahaha thats a weird question, but yeah it does. Just wash your face with soap and water like how you usually do it and it will get off quickly and easily. Don't use a permanent marker!
Yes, it comes off the skin easily. Just use soap %26amp; scrub it. Or you can rub it off in the shower.
Im not sure why you cannot use washable marker?

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