Saturday, January 23, 2010

How do u get nail polish out of carpet???

i spilled nail polish obviously and i need to get it out...its like a dark purple help!!How do u get nail polish out of carpet???
Good luck...that is one of the hardest stains to get out :(. Your best bet is nail polish remover and patience. But first find a spot in the rug where you can test the nail polish remover on it and make sure it doesn't melt/stain.

If it tests ok then I'd go armed with nail polish remover, a roll of paper toweling and some water. If the nail polish is in a bottle pour some on paper toweling. If you have the kind with a wand you can use that. Apply in SMALL amounts (remember you don't want to make the stain bigger), then blot. Repeat this over and over and over. Again don't be tempted to rush it and add a lot or you will end up with a bigger stain as it will spread. But just keep adding a little then blotting it up.

When you are done, do the same thing but with some water to wash out the acetone (nail polish remover). I really wish you the best, but if it's a big stain and a light carpet I would hope for the best but expect the worst, since some stain is likely to remain. Hopefully it's in a spot you can move some furniture or a plant or something on top of :(

But who knows maybe you will get lucky. Also if it's a small area you might be able to CAREFULLY cut it out, and replace with a carpet patch. That, of course, is a last resort suggestion.

If the acetone doesn't work I'd see if any cleaning solutions claim to get it out. I don't know of any, but might be something new out there. I've also heard alcohol can help with this, but I've never tried it.

Best of luck to you with this mess!How do u get nail polish out of carpet???
My daughter spilled nail polish on our white carpet last summer. I got it out almost instantly with a Magic Eraser that I had picked up. If you use nail polish remover, it probably wont get the stain out and will discolor the rest of the carpet. I hope this helps you.
you can use ice to freeze it and it should come up
Yikes! NOT GOOD..LOL What I would try though, is to get some acetone, or regular nail polish remover, and try it on a spot in the back of a closet (Or some place inconspicuous) and see if it damages the might make it ';melt.'; If it doesn't seem to hurt it, try it on the spot..just a little bit at a time...don't just rub it in, try to sort of just wipe it in an UP motion~OFF the carpet fibers. You could also try just trimming the polish off the top of the carpet with a pair of scissors...just the tips of the carpet that it's on. If all else fails~~


Best of Luck!!
I can suggest your own nail varnish remover, but first try scraping it off with a blunt knife when it finely dries. Sure most of the stain will come out this way
sum kind of stain remover or

nail polish remover lol

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