Thursday, January 21, 2010

How to get nail polish to stay on.?

I paint my nails at night and then by the end of the next day they are all chiped and gross looking. I don't do anything to make them this way. How do i get the nail polish to stay on.How to get nail polish to stay on.?
I normally put an extra coat of this nail polish called hard nails. It works for me.How to get nail polish to stay on.?
There are some good ways u can do it

1. get a really good professional brand, like the stuff u see at saloons. OPI is my favorite.

2. first apply a base coat (courtesy of OPI for me)

3. apply 1-2 coats of the polish and let it dry.

4. put on the quick dry topcoat (can u guess what brand, lol) and let it dry well

5. good to go!!

good luck
Nail shield over the paint. The beauty supply places have it. The do have more expensive polish still comes off without nail shield.

Washing hands a lot too makes it come off. Good Luck.
you should ask someone at the nail salon that question,, they do that kind of stuff for a living so im sure they'll tell u about a good product you could use
Get a good topcoat, it protects the color. Use a base coat (clear), two coats of color, and one thick top coat to protect your nails. Be sure to let nails dry completely between coats or you'll end up with a goopy mess that wont dry.
use a top coat and a BASE coat =)
chip free after 3 days,i even due dishes and clean eveyday,sally hansons diamond hard(no chip)its the first time i tried it and i think its great,has beautiful colors ans goes on glossy and smooth
i just had that problem not even 2 days ago but i asked my mom and she gave me a clear coat called (Surprise, Surprise)

ORLY Wont Chip

and on another note ORLY has a (in a snap) wich helps it dry faster

it will say clearly on the nail polish (wont chip ORLY)
It is probably the nail polish you use. You might want to go to a nail salon and ask them what techniques you can do to keep your nails looking great for more that 24 hours. And while your there get a manicure. I know they use cremes and they put on a nail strengthener after they paint your nails and maybe that works as some sort of way to protect the nails from being easily chipped. Are you doing 2 coats of paint? Because if you aren't that might also be the problem...nail salons apply 2 coats of polish to your nails, and you should do that at home too. I hope I helped you a little! Good Luck!

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