Sunday, January 17, 2010

Can you use normal human nail polish to paint your dogs nails??

I just got my puppy like a week ago, and she is very girly. i seen people paint there dogs nails, but not sure if its like special dog polish. So can you? And is it a effect on its health??Can you use normal human nail polish to paint your dogs nails??
It's not a good idea to paint your dog's nail with nail polish for humans. It contains toxins and the dog could lick it off and get sick. They actually do make nail polish for dogs, and you can find it at this website:…

But I don't really think painting her nails would be necessary. Dogs aren't fashion accessories! How about just a cute pink collar?Can you use normal human nail polish to paint your dogs nails??
i don't suggest that you do it since it can be toxic and not very good for your dog's health.

i found this article;

Nail Polish %26amp; Caps

One nails are clipped and filed, nail polish may be applied. We do not recommend using nail polish for humans. Instead there are epoxy enamel polishes for dogs available from grooming suppliers. Good dog nail polish is very durable.

Do one foot at a time. Quick drying polishes help prevent the dog from smudging the paint onto other surfaces. Be very careful to prevent the dog from rubbing wet polish on their skin or coat, and if they do remove it immediately according to instructions provided with the commercial polish used.

Colorful nail caps come in various sizes to fit over most dog nails replacing the need to use nail polish. Ask your grooming supplier for product information and availability…

good luck :D
No you cannot use human nail polish. It's toxic to dogs. They make special dog nail polish. It's non toxic and quick drying so it lessens the chances of them eating it. If you're having trouble finding it, try calling a grooming salon. You might be able to buy it from them.
It won't hurt her. Just make sure she doesn't lick it before it dries. The quick drying ones are the best to use. (Dog Nail Polish is the same as human nail polish, just packaged differently and more expensive!)
NO! Please do NOT even get nail polish NEAR your pooch! It is highly toxic. Even the fumes from it are toxic to dogs. Please please get something like softclaws form thats what i use on my baby and they are easy to put on and they look great.
why would u want to paint ur dog up like a person? are u paris hilton? there are poisonous toxins in nail polish and removers, if the dog happens to bite or lick the wet paint and digests it it can get very sick!;…
i wouldnt do it cause they can lick it off. and i dont think they make dog polish

i did it to my dog a long time ago.. if you do do it, just make sure it dries before letting them out of your sight. they could lick it off.
there are nail polishes that are non-toxic and made for a dog. you can buy them at major pet stores, i would not try to do it with normal nail polish.
all dogs are different... so i suggest keeping her within sight to make sure she doesnt lick it off... in case it is hazardous for your dog to lick it off... but as soon as it's dry dont worry about it... :)
Yes. I've never done it myself because my girl is very butch and would not stand still for it, but my friends use human nail polish on their dogs' nails with no ill effects.
no not a puppy if it was a grown dog it would be a different story but wait until he's at least a year old and make sure it does not get on his skin/hair!
I wouldn't, the dog could lick it off, there is probably not dog polish. Why do you want to paint your dogs nails anyway.
no you can not to make sure ask a vet
They make nail polish for dogs - go to a grooming shop or pet supply shop %26amp; ask for it.
No don't do it.... seriously, she's a dog. Dog's don't need their nails painted. Paint your own.

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