Sunday, January 17, 2010

How Can I Remove Nail Polish w/o Nail Polish Remover?

Ok say so my manicure is chipping and i want to take the polish off so that I can re-paint them myself, excpet i dont hav any nail polish remover. I've tried removing nail polish with wet nail polish before and washing it off but that always make a mess, is there anything I could use to remove it?How Can I Remove Nail Polish w/o Nail Polish Remover?
Try soaking your nails in warm to hott water for about 5-10 minutes...then buff it with either nail file or buffer (buffer works better)

HopeIHelped.!(:How Can I Remove Nail Polish w/o Nail Polish Remover?
you can scrap it off with your finger nails!
loolk in tour garage and see if you can find some acetone. its the same as nail polish remover.
you can buff it off with a nail buffer...
rubbing alcahole
emery board,,,

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