Wednesday, January 13, 2010

How to get nail polish out of.....just about everything?

My neice had a good time this afternoon, so I need to know how to get nail polish out of the following things:

Her hair and scalp

My white down comforter

A mattress

A leather computer chair

The only place she didnt get the polish...was her nails ;)How to get nail polish out of.....just about everything?
Oh, goodness.... she'll learn one way or another.

On her scalp, simple nail polish remover should be fine, and it shouldn't burn her skin at all. In her hair, you'll simply have to wash it a lot and play the waiting game. If she has longer hair, I might suggest a haircut, but since this is your neice, I am assuming that you don't have the authority to make that call. :)

For the fabric items, I would try nail polish remover, but make sure that you get remover WITH ACETONE. You can but it without, but that is only for acrylic nails, so make sure you have the heavy-duty stuff. Not knowing the color of the nail polish, it's hard to predict how successful you will be. Hopefully the matress is covered up, but you may need to take the down comforter to a dry-cleaner for bleaching. Because it is white, it will be harder to clean.

For leather, I would try a dilluted solution (1 part nail polish remover to 2 parts water) and see where that gets you. I'd hate to ruin the leather with strong checmicals if a dilluted version would do the trick. If this doesn't work, try adding a bit more nail polish remover until the paint begins to come off. If it doesn't, look into getting some pure acetone or a leather cleaner that lists specific stains it is capable of removing.

Sorry to hear that her little game has created added stress for you. Hopefully you will have a little more luck with removing the polish than she had with applying it.

Good Luck!How to get nail polish out of.....just about everything?
Burn it
pure acetone for surfaces, her hair... will need time and a good washing
for her hair just wash it , your comforter use polish remover on the spot then wash it, same with mattress and the leather chair. lol good luck
Aren't kids wonderful.

I'm no expert, but I would try nail polish remover on everything. You don't have anything to lose, that's for sure.

Good luck.
Sorry but the remover (Acetate) will remove the stuff she put it on

put it down to experience

you will have to cut her hair
Try mineral spirits on everything but her hair and scalp. You'll probably have to use an old cloth and keep rubbing the spots til it comes out
there are a lot of mixtures that will get the stuff out. there is nail polish removers for harder sufaces, the leather chair. For white theings use corn starch, (last resort sometimes ruins). Matress and down comforter. Hair just needs scrubbing. Or shaving. Hopefully not!
there is nail polish remover at walmart or drug stores. it will help.
Nail polish remover! But it can be bad for some materials, read the label.
I'm not being smart but who was supposed to be watching her if she go polish on all of those things?
I'm sorry, I don't know, but you made me laugh. Reminded me of when I had two two year old foster daughters and took a shower and came out and they both had Vaseline and school glue head to toe and all over the bedroom. The visual is funny, sorry. You'll talk about this when she's an adult and laugh...
use nail polish remover let it soak for the white down comforter and mattress.leather chair scrub. for her hair wash with shampoo , repeat until it is out.

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